The compost manure prepared by using earthworms is called vermi-compost. It is a mixture of totally decomposed fine biomass particles of vermicastings (fecal matter released by earthworms after diagesting the food.)It is soft, spongy, sweet smelling &dark brown in colour. Vermicompost is very important component of organic farming. It is easy to prepare, has excellent properties and is absolutely harmless to plants. The Mill launched the Vermicompost Project in Feb.2004 on a pilot scale. It produces 50 M.T. vermicompost per month from decomposed pressmud, trash, cow dung and decomposed bagasse with help of earthworms. The Mill intends that farmers in the area develop such plants on their own, and encourages them for doing so. Vermi-compost manure is extremely useful in maintaining and enriching soil productivity and fertility. As a part of the Cane Development Programme, the Mill supplies vermicompost to its members at subsidised prices.

Some important properties of the Vermi-compost are as follows:
Sr.No | Parameters | Value |
1 | pH,(10% Sol.) | 4.75 |
2 | E.conductivity(10%Sol.) | 1.611 mmhos/cm |
3 | Moisture | 44.30 % |
4 | Total ash | 45.52 % |
5 | Total Volatile Solids | 54.48 % |
6 | Organic Carbon | 31.80 % |
7 | Organic Matter | 54.82 % |
8 | C/N Ratio | 7.54 % |
9 | Nitrogen | 4.22 % |
10 | Phosphorous(as P205) | 1.04 % |
11 | Phosphorous(as K20) | 1.76 % |
12 | Calcium | 4.50 % |
13 | Magnesium | 1.09 % |
14 | Iron | 4250 ppm |
15 | Manganese | 850 ppm |
16 | Zinc | 340 ppm |
17 | Copper | 280 ppm |
18 | Boron | 6 ppm |
19 | Total Plate Count | 2X10/gm |
20 | Total Bacteria | 2X10/gm |
21 | Yeast;Mould | 3X10/gm |
22 | Actinomycetus | 2/gm |
23 | N-Fixing | 6/gm |
24 | P-Solublizing | 2/gm |