Composting is a process in which organic material undergoes biological degradation to a stable end product. The Mill has adopted Surface Composting process for treatment of spent wash by using Pressmud, Spentwash, Microbial Culture, Boiler Ash etc. The standard ratio of Pressmud to Spentwash is 1:2.5. A fully mechanized aero-tiller machine is used for making good quality compost. The compost cycle is completed within 40 to 45 days and further 10 days are required for curing on maturation yard. The composted material is sold to member farmers at a subsidized rate after testing its parameters in laboratory. The compost yard has capacity to handle 8000 MT Pressmud per cycle. The total compost produced is 20000 MT annually.
Some important properties of the Compost are as follows:
Sr.No | Parameters | Value |
1 | Nitrogen, N % | 1.5-2.0 |
2 | Phosphorus, P % | 1.5-2.0 |
3 | Potassium, K % | 2.5-3.0 |
4 | C/N Ratio | Below 17 |
Benefits of compost
- Acts as a soil conditioner.
- Increases Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) of soil.
- Promotes the activities of soil micro-organisms.
- Regulates soil temperature and moisture content.
- Provides Macro and Micronutrients.
- Increases water holding capacity of soil.
- Increases proportion of Organic Carbon.