Realizing the importance of procuring the best quality of cane and improving per acre yield, the Mill has taken necessary measures to develop and implement its cane development activities in the area of operation. The Mill has earmarked funds for this activity, through which cane growers get improved varieties of cane seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, weedicides, farm implements and drip irrigation systems at subsidized rates.
Under this Programme, the Mill:
- Provides basal dose, fertilizers and manures to the farmers. This has resulted in significant improvement in the quality of cane and its yield per acre.
- Guides cane growers in adopting newer cultivation patterns.
- Provides cane growers financial support for farm levelling,drainage system, mulching of trash in the field and also for laying of pipelines in their fields.
- Holds village wise cane development seminars for bringing about better interaction among the farmers and its agriculture department .
- Provides subsidy for installation of biogas plants to its Members.
The Mill has been taking active efforts to educate cane growers in improving their per acre yield. This exercise involves direct interaction with the farmers and provides them specific guidelines at various stages throughout life of the crop. Starting with a group of 84 cane growers in the crushing season 06-07 and totaly 4500 cane growers were guided todate, the number of participating farmers in the coming season has 1870.
The results of this experiment have revealed that per acre yield level of cane has significantly improved up to 75 per cent.
Under Research and Development activities, the Agriculture Department of the Mill is presently taking trials of newly developed a Cane Harvester. Mechanical harvesting of cane is being looked at as a possible solution to the labour problem which is becoming more severe every day.