Manufacturing of sugar from cane is the main business activity of the Mill. The 3500 TCD Sugar Plant runs for almost 180 days in a year from November to April. It crushes about 7.0 to 8.0 lakh MT of cane to produce an average of 90,000 to 100,000 MT of sugar every year. The expansion of existing 3500 TCD plant into 5000 TCD has been carrying out since 2009-10 and it will complete in the off-season of 2011-12 and from 2012-13 the factory will run with 5000 TCD .
Realizing the importance of by-products, the mill has diversified its business in other areas.
It has a 45 KLPD capacity Distillery Plant having an average spirit recovery of 275 litres per MT of molasses.We have received sanction to our 30 KLPD Ethanol plant from state government in Aug.2011.
The 12.5 MW bagasse based Cogeneration Plant of the Mill was commissioned in March 2008. After in-house consumption, surplus power is exported to the State Electricity Grid. In 2011, another cogeneration unit of 9.00 MW was added, taking the total cogeneration capacity of the plant to 21.5 MW.
The Mill commissioned a Vermi-compost Pilot Plant in 2004. The organic manure manufactured using press-mud, cow dung and other biological trash is provided to the Members at subsidized prices. The Mill however intends that farmers in the area develop such projects on their own, and encourages them for doing so.
The Mill is one of the first ones in the cooperative sector in Maharashtra to have a dedicated Marketing Department. Activities performed by the Marketing Department include
- Development of domestic customers.
- Export /Import of Sugar.
- Trading of sugar on NCDEX.